German Domination of F1

Every driver on this podium is either German, or drives for a German team

I think we all let off a little groan when we're forced to listen to the German anthem race after race, year after year. In fact I could probably bang it out for you just off the top of my head. But it actually points to a bigger trend in F1, which is that Germans, in many ways, are dominating the sport.

When looking at the history by titles, the shift is actually astounding. Number of titles Germans won between 1950-1993? 0. Number from 1993-2016, 12. In 23 years of F1 a staggering 50 Percent of titles have gone to Germans (before Rosberg).

In 2016 this trend shows up even more, with 4 Germans, one of which drives for Manor, they've achieved 631 Points. Red Bull, got 446. That's more than Force India, Manor, Williams, Sauber, Toro Rosso, McLaren, Haas, and Renault combined. If "German" was a team they'd be second in the championship. (Ironically, just behind Mercedes)

Even without Schumi's seven titles, since 2010 Germany has won more titles than both Finland and Italy have won since 1950.

Mercedes, the sport's one and only german team, has broken records left and right in the sport without any sign of letting up.

The future looks equally bright, with Pascal Wehrlein likely to step into a role with the team soon.

Really it's unclear where these come from. Outliers? Better racing infrastructure? Could be a number of factors. Could it be the rise of DTM as a feeder series? One theory, is that because two of the top 3 teams are German/Austrian, there's a greater focus on German Drivers. However, only time will tell whether Germans really are just superior, or whether we're just living in the age of Germany.

Thanks for reading!
