DYK: Why It's called Formula 1

It seems so simplistic, but I realized while researching for another upcoming post that the words Formula and One don't naturally come together to mean the pinacle of motorsport. So why is it called Formula One?

Well apparently in 1946 when the sport gained a governing body (although official championships were not held until 1950) they naturally needed a name for their new creation. Unlike sports like basketball or football, it had no "ball" to just stick on the end of the name of something related to the sport (Would you watch a sport called Asphaltball?). So the then CSI (a division of the FIA) had to come up with something new and creative. The other candidates for a name were lost in history, but the one that stuck has a very logical explanation.

Formula means the formula for the cars. For example if you were to see the recipe an F1 car you would need open wheels, a driver outside the cockpit, and (nowadays) a front and rear wing. The '1' indicates which of the many formulas there are it is. For example there is F2, F3, etc. The difference between those series being dimensions. Thanks for reading!
