Reasons why we shouldn’t have double points:
If they did it with American football, Seattle would have
scored 86 points in this most recent Super Bowl. Peyton Manning would also have
had to retire. Immediately.
If they did it in soccer, well then Bayern wouldn’t even
bother to show up to the final and thus win 10-0.
If they did it with soccer (part 2), Barcelona would have
beaten Santos 14-0 in the 2011 Club world cup.
If they did it with Rugby… well I don’t know anything about
rugby, but I imagine it wouldn’t be good
If they did it with Basketball, they would still score about
1/10th of how much cricket players score each. (Google NBA and look
at the average score)
If they did it with Baseball, the Cubs might actually win a
World Series, and the Astros might actually win a ga… no, that’s just crazy
If they did it with Nascar, well no one actually understands
the points system either way so… I don’t think anyone would notice.
If they did it with Indycar, it would just make it an even
more blatant copy of F1 and Nascar.
If they did it with cricket… Google would run out of space
to display the score.
If they did it with the World Cup, Brazil would probably
have an overall goal difference of around 7,000,000.
If they did it with rally, Loeb might actually lose a
championship… probably not though. (I know he didn’t win this year)
And finally....
If they do it with F1... it would in no way whatsoever, on any planet, in any universe, in any dimension, make sure Vettel doesn't win again.
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