F1 Theory: The Speed Gene

It's one of the biggest debates in all of motorsport - does speed run in the family? It's no wonder why there is no hard answer, think about it, there are the Ralfs and the Michaels who both were extremely successful, but then there were the Brunos and the Ayrtons, who showed a ridiculous gulf in class. So does it or does it not make a difference? Here's the results of my research:

Historically: I talked about Ralf and Michael Schumacher as well as Bruno and Ayrton Senna, but what about with all related drivers in account. Well, with some more research, apparently Ralf and Michael are the exception. For example: Mario Andretti and Michael Andretti, Jack Brabham, Gary Brabham, and David Brabham. Etc. Pretty much all except the Barber family drivers (Skip and John) showed a huge difference in skill, world champions versus nobodies.

Sciency things: Unfortunately I don't have enough time to research fully what can and cannot be passed down through genes, but I do have experience from my own life. Depending on whether one inherits more of the x or y chromosome (inherits more traits from the father or mother) it will obviously change the personality and skill set. For example some brothers are really similar and play the same sports, watch the same tv shows etc. Also, I know the the two best possible relationships to an F1 driver to try and inherit the quality is father to son (Keke to Nico) or brothers (again Ralf and Michael).

Open thoughts: Well, it seems like there truly is no gene that will make you faster in a car. However in all other sports that aren't done in or with machinery are helped a lot by genes. Genes decide maximum muscle mass, body shape etc. many of which are actually useful in Formula 1. For example someone with a really slow metabolism would struggle immensely to make it in the world of formula 1 and vice versa. At the end of the day, F1 drivers are athletes and all athletes are effected by their genes. More importantly however, it seemed that that more important than genes in F1 is work ethic, not to play on German stereotypes, but it is true that it is part of the culture to have a spectacularly good work ethic. Schumacher and Vettel, the dominators of F1 have succeeded with a great work ethic, which is also effected by genes.

Verdict: Good genes are great, but are not specific to car driving skill and will not necessarily mean drivers who are related will share the same skills. Its neither wrong or right, its non-conclusive
