F1 to Road Cars

What has been given throughout the years:

Power Steering-Driving a car more than 3 times your weight can be difficult, so help from your car is definitely great.

CVT gearboxes-Recongize how smooth gearboxes are nowadays? Chances are you don't, but they are, and this comes from F1                                                                                                                

4-wheel steering-It makes slow turning a thing of the past and is currently used as a parking aid.

Paddle shifting-It's much more fun that gear-sticks, and also quicker.

Diffusers: You may see watered-down versions of these on regular cars, but legitimate ones are trickling down from Ferrari to Ford.

Push button start-Because no one is going to drive away in your F1 car, they made a more effective way to start the car that is geared towards convenience over protection.

Carbon Fiber-It is strong and light, and is used in many high-performance cars currently.

Rear and front wings-Even though you don't see it, every car has some form of these (excluding trucks)

Advanced tires (radial tires, rubber, construction, rapid degradation oh, wait, sorry)-Tires used to be without rubber, so imagine how big this was.

Multi-link suspension-This was revolutionary, it made suspension a down-force positive component and gave it strength beyond anything ever seen before.

The rear-view mirror-To look behind maybe? (Not applicable to Grosjean)

KERS-To get an advantage that would utilize kinetic energy

Traction control (Thanks Red Bull)-To get the most out of every once of acceleration

Launch Control: To gain an advantage at the all-important start

What you might see in the future:

HERS: Heat energy recovery system, much like KERS, but harvesting heat instead of kinetic energy.

DRS:  Yeah, seriously. Some cars have elevated wings, and it's already on the Mclaren P1, so there you go, in the future, when you need to pass someone on the highway, just use your DRS.
