Driver Vs. Driver Reviews Marussia-STR

Toro Rosso: Riccardo Vs. Vergne

This is probably the hardest to chose only because neither had many stand out moments last year, and both ended with very similar results. For this one, it all comes down to personality. Riccardo appears to be more of a young driver. He talked about adding dueling with Schumacher to his “scrapbook”. It seems like he is showing more maturity this year, when he said that it is now him vs. Verge for the Red Bull seat. Which probably wont happen, but it shows important thinking. Then Verge is more laid back and calculative. He is a good sport, as proven when his didn’t get angry when Schumacher rammed him in Singapore. Due to these observations, I would say Vergne by a hair, but Riccardo won’t be far behind.

Caterham: Pic Vs. Van Der Garde

This combination for Caterham could actually be seriously crucial. Think about it, even since coming to F1, Caterham has gotten P10 in the Constructor’s Championship, and last year, they only got it in the last race, and this year, Marussia has KERS, which gives them an extra .300 of a second per lap. That makes a colossal difference over the course of a race or qualifying. So who will lead the charge at Caterham? Well, in this situation, the rookie actually has a lot going for him. He’s raced in GP2 for many years, he’s raced in the same series as Rosberg, Hamilton, Gutierrez, Chilton, Vettel, Hulkenburg, Perez, Di Resta, Grosjean, Razia, Maldonado and Pic. So yeah, he knows a thing or two about racing against F1 drivers. Then there’s the semi-veteran Pic, who impressed Marussia by dueling with the very talented Timo Glock throughout the season. In the end, just because of experience and amount of probable team-backing, I’m going to go with Pic.

Marussia: Bianchi Vs. Chilton

This one is somewhat difficult to choose because they’re both rookies, so there are no past races to refer to, but there is a clear winner here. Chilton has two advantages, and that he has raced for Marussia in the past and also being the first driver. This means that in the first races he’ll have a head start because he’s raced for Marussia’s younger teams as well as had more testing time. Hence him being the first driver is a good thing, and also an advantage for him. Bianchi is a driver I have had my eye on for a while because he has been racing for the Ferrari drivers academy for a while and was also a Force India reserve driver, so him making it to F1 was inevitable. Maybe not the team I expected, but he made it to F1 nonetheless. The moment, however, when I really started liking Bianchi, was at the Young Drivers test last year. He swept all three days, beat a Ferrari and a Mercedes in a Force India, and improved by more then a second from day one to day two. That, to me signified his talent as a driver. This year, with so much to gain, and a ton of backing, I think Bianchi will be the one that comes out ahead for Marussia this year. 
